38 ICBS students go pursue their higher education in Al-Azhar, Cairo, Egypt. Today, Saturday (9/1/21), 38 students of ICBS Payakumbuh Senior High School fly to Al-Azhar University to continue their study. All delegations are sent by the Mudir of ICBS Payakumbuh Ustadz H. Ahmad Maududi, Lc., MA along with the headmaster of ICBS Payakumbuh Senior High School, other boards of directors and the teachers in the Minangkabau International Airport. ... We express our gratitude to all ICBS teachers and supervisors who have already struggled in providing the best quality education for all students and parents who already trusted their children’s education to us. We also thank the government of West Sumatera for their endless support to our school. We wish our students will be blessed by Allah Ta’ala, and they can gain broad knowledge and can benefit the people surrounding them. May Allah Ta’ala grant and bless their effort in achieving their dreams.

An amazing achievement has been gained by one of our students of ICBS Payakumbuh Senior High School, Elza Amalia Firdaus. She has been accepted in Medical School of Andalas University (UNAND) through the Tahfiz (Qur’an Memorization) selection for academic year of 2019. ...One of ICBS teachers, Ustaz Zul, said that Elza, who was born in Bidar Alam Solok, 23 April 2020, has shown her potential since she was at the junior high school. Besides focusing on tahfiz enhancement, Elza was also mentioned to also join the school’s science club, ranked second of the overall school ranking and gained highest score in the pre-national examination.

We congratulate M. Huda At Thoriq (2020 graduate of ICBS Payakumbuh Senior High School) for being accepted to continue his study in HAN University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijemegen) Netherland, Department of International Business.

Miftahurrohman is one of our alumni who is currently studying at Sakarya Universitesi, Turkey since 2020. He is now living there and join PPI Sakarya, Indonesian student organization in Sakarya. Before, in high school, he joined the student organization and has gained many achievements. ... He is a highly motivated student who dreams big. In achieving his dream, he always remembers the advices given by his teachers in ICBS Payakumbuh to always dream big and put others as the priority yet not forgetting God. He said, “Studying abroad doesn’t mean that the education system in other countries is better than in Indonesia. However, it is the benefit that we can give to other people that matters.”

10 students of ICBS Payakumbuh were successfully accepted Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. The ICBS alumni will fly to Egypt starting from this week. “Alhamdulillah our 10 students pass the selection of Al-Azhar University and have secured their seats as the students there. ... Some of the students have been sent away since Tuesday, and the rest will go this week,” said the CEO of ICBS Ustaz Roni Patihan, Lc., on Thursday (19/12/20). Ustaz Roni mentioned that the 10 students are M.Azeli Khairil, M.Rizqy Farhani, Alfent Hidayat, Adisa Rahmaila, M. Raffi Alfirdaus, Nuzul Fadhli Ramadhan, Nada Salsabila, Dina Rahmadianti, Tasliah Al Wafi, dan Salma Huda Aldira. For this achievement, Ustaz Roni felt blessed and happy. “Congratulations to all students. Your new journey has begun. May Allah Ta’ala bless your way in achieving your dreams.” Ustaz Roni also expressed his gratitude to all stakeholders for this big achievement. “Thank you to all teachers for endless support and guidance to all of our students. Only Allah can repay everything.”